blanket medical expense insurance
包括医療費保険{ほうかつ いりょうひ ほけん}
comprehensive medical expense insurance
: 総合医療保険{そうごう いりょう ほけん}
group medical expense insurance
: 団体医療費保険{だんたい いりょうひ ほけん}
major medical expense insurance
: 高額医療費保険
medical expense insurance
: 医療保険{いりょう ほけん}、健康保険{けんこう ほけん} In the case of a female employee, her children will only be covered for medical expenses providing that her husband is not entitled for any medical benefits from his em
regular medical expense insurance
: 〈米〉診療報酬保険{しんりょう ほうしゅう ほけん}
blanket insurance
: 総合保険{そうごう ほけん}
insurance expense
: 保険料{ほけんりょう}
medical expense
: 治療費{ちりょうひ}、医療費{いりょうひ}、療養費、医務衛生費{いむ えいせいひ}
medical insurance
: 医療保険
extra expense insurance
: 臨時費用保険{りんじ ひよう ほけん}
group hospital expense insurance
: 団体入院費保険{だんたい にゅういんひ ほけん}
health insurance expense
: 健康保険料{けんこう ほけんりょう}
hospital expense insurance
: 入院費保険{にゅういん ひ ほけん}
legal expense insurance
: 法定費用保険
litigation expense insurance
: 訴訟費用保険{そしょう ひよう ほけん}
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"blanket of leaves" 意味
"blanket of mist" 意味
"blanket man" 意味
"blanket mark" 意味
"blanket net" 意味
"blanket of clouds" 意味
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